Check out these resources for more information on TAP, the aquifer and our groundwater, and information about how you can help to protect it.

“What is the Brighton Aquifer?” From Brains at The Bevy
What is the Brighton Aquifer, how does it affect the water you drink and how can we protect it? Join Professor Martin Smith from the University of Brghton and Susie Howells from The Aquifer Partnership

Carden SuDS Case Study
The Aquifer Partnership (TAP) partnered with Carden Primary School to create an inspirational rainscape with emphasis on education and play opportunities.

Wallands Primary Case Study
Aquifer Partnership (TAP) transformed Wallands Primary School’s playground through our SuDS in School Programme into an engaging and sustainable area through the implementation of Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS) that manage water where it falls and treat polluted water. This initiative serves as an example for other schools, especially those located in source protection zones and high catchment areas that are prone to flooding.

Our At Risk Aquifer Colouring Page

Our Aquifer Colouring Page

Niphargus Colouring Page

Moulsecoomb Primary SuDS Case Study
Case study about the SuDS at Moulsecoomb Primary School published by Susdrain, the leading SuDS resource site. Includes SuDS elements used, costs, lessons learned, and benefits, as well as project details and high res photos of the site before and after.

Urban Wetlands Design Guide
A comprehensive resource giving practical advice on the design and maintenance of constructed wetlands for the purpose of mitigating urban diffuse pollution. Created by Ian Russell of the London Borough of Enfield with Joe Pecorelli and Azra Glover of ZSL, with support from the Mayor of London.

Water Quality in the Brighton Aquifer
Information from Southern Water’s Catchment team about water quality in the Brighton chalk block aquifer. Outlines the catchment area for the Brighton chalk block, predictions for the nitrate levels within the water, and catchment management drivers.

N Reduction Trial Year 2 Results Summary
The Aquifer Partnership is working with S. Woodley Crop Services and Bevendean Farm to understand and measure the impact reduced nitrogen applications have on;
1) Nitrogen use efficiency
2) Nitrate leaching through the soil profile
3) Financial viability for the farm

Foliar N Trial Year 2 Results Summary
Second year results from TAP’s trial to test whether a foliar-applied N product can improve nitrogen use efficiency, reduce nitrate leaching through the soil profile and be financially viable for the farm. This trial is supported by Agrovital and Bodle Brothers. Thanks to BD Harris Farm Trust.

TAP Infographic
Infographic about water use, the aquifer, pollutants, and solutions.

Keeping Greenkeeping Green
Simon Wells of Pyecombe Golf Club, just outside Brighton, talks about managing the course with groundwater in mind.

Top Tips for Reducing Groundwater Pollution!
Here are ten top tips to help gardeners and householders reduce groundwater pollution.

SuDS Not Floods!
A great video from the South East Rivers Trust, part of their SuDS in Sutton’s Schools project, showing the amazing benefits that SuDS can bring.